Nutrivi Detox UP - Multi-ingredient green detoxifying and cleansing cocktail 138,3 g

WELLU Group GMBH, Switzerland

Dietary supplement in the form of a green shake to be dissolved in water. Supports cleansing the body of toxins, supports the body in the process of weight loss, adds lightness in the body. Provides valuable antioxidant, mineral, vitalizing components. More

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1 799 Kč

(2 ks in stock)
WELLU Group GMBH, Switzerland

Dietary supplement in the form of a green shake to be dissolved in water. Supports cleansing the body of toxins, supports the body in the process of weight loss, adds lightness in the body. Provides valuable antioxidant, mineral, vitalizing components. More

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What is the product?

Green detox cocktail. A natural composition of plant extracts and active ingredients for daily support of detoxification and cleansing processes of the body. 

Contains a combination of ingredients that support: regulation of metabolic processes, control of blood sugar levels, regulation of kidney, liver function. 

Rich source of antioxidant, detoxifying chlorophyllin, vitalizing vitamins, minerals. 

Supports the body in the prevention of health, in the pursuit of well-being, lightness and vitality.

Synergistic combination of 11 natural ingredients in one product for DetoxUP Effect!                                                                                                                                                

Cactinea™ (prickly pear extract), alfalfa herb extract (source of sodium-copper chlorophyllin, copper), white mulberry leaf extract (source of sodium-copper chlorophyllin, 1-DNJ 1-deoxynojirimycin, copper), inulin (natural prebiotic), chlorella (standardized for 50% protein), kale herb extract, broccoli herb extract, spinach leaf extract, green parsley leaf extract, nettle herb extract, Lynside® Forte Se+ 2000 (inactivated yeast enriched with selenium)

What is the product?

Green detox cocktail. A natural composition of plant extracts and active ingredients for daily support of detoxification and cleansing processes of the body. 

Contains a combination of ingredients that support: regulation of metabolic processes, control of blood sugar levels, regulation of kidney, liver function. 

Rich source of antioxidant, detoxifying chlorophyllin, vitalizing vitamins, minerals. 

Supports the body in the prevention of health, in the pursuit of well-being, lightness and vitality.

Synergistic combination of 11 natural ingredients in one product for DetoxUP Effect!                                                                                                                                                

Cactinea™ (prickly pear extract), alfalfa herb extract (source of sodium-copper chlorophyllin, copper), white mulberry leaf extract (source of sodium-copper chlorophyllin, 1-DNJ 1-deoxynojirimycin, copper), inulin (natural prebiotic), chlorella (standardized for 50% protein), kale herb extract, broccoli herb extract, spinach leaf extract, green parsley leaf extract, nettle herb extract, Lynside® Forte Se+ 2000 (inactivated yeast enriched with selenium)

To whom we recommend this product?

  •  to anyone who wants to naturally support   the  processes of cleansing the body of   toxins, heavy metals, metabolic residues
  •  to anyone who wants to support the work of   the digestive system, liver, kidneys,   intestines
  •  people who care about the line, wishing to   regulate appetite and eliminate bloating
  •  people struggling with edema, water   retention in the body and the associated   feeling of heaviness
  •  smokers, active and former smokers, who   want to take care of themselves after   quitting  stimulants
  •  people leading active lifestyles, practicing   sports, to support recovery processes after   exercise
  •  anyone who wants to feel more energy and   vitality
  •  people with skin problems resulting from a   poor diet or the effects of stimulants
  •  people wishing to change their eating   habits,  wanting to enrich their diet with the   power of green vegetables
  •  people who want to supplement their diet   with the active ingredients contained in the   supplement

What makes it stand out?

  •  Convenient powder form - a quick and easy   way to make a serving of green apple   flavored smoothie
  •  A pleasant way to get a daily portion of   "green detox" - a healthy part of your diet
  •  Green power of chlorophyllin and   chlorophyll  - not from one, but from several   different natural sources
  •  Not just chlorophyll - a synergistic   combination of many unique ingredients,   natural extracts for a more complete and   effective effect     
  •  Antioxidant booster, targeting oxidative   stress and therefore inflammatory processes
  •  Source of minerals, including valuable   elements like selenium and copper
  •  Superfood Power! - The power of plant   extracts rich in ingredients of exceptionally   high value for health and vitality 
