Water Ionizers
Water ionizers are devices that change the pH value of water through an electrolytic process and increase its ion content, which has a positive effect on human health. These devices are often used to treat drinking water and can help detoxify the body, boost immunity or improve digestion.
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1 560 Kč
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Silverex - massage shower head Significant massage effect - blood circulation to the skin and saving 30% of water compared to…
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Lazena SM-S230TL- Water ioniser with two water chambers
53 700 Kč
With two water chambers and 12 platinum/titanium electrodes that work synergistically, the water ioniser is the most powerful in our range.…
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SM-S112TL -Ionizátor vody s dotykovým kohoutkem
4 568 Kč
5 640 Kč
Excellent performance thanks to 9 platinum electrodes at a great price. It uses advanced DARC technology, a method of cleaning that runs…
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X-BLUE -Ionizátor vody s 5ti deskami
4 568 Kč
5 640 Kč
Ionizátor vody X-Blue dosahuje lepších výsledků než jakýkoliv jiný ionizátor vody ve své třídě. Výborný poměr kvalita/cena. Zařízení díky…